As a Multi Academy Trust with over 250 employees Synergy Education Trust will be required to publish our Gender Pay Gap in line with the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017. The Gender Pay Gap (GPG) involves carrying out calculations which show the difference in the average pay of men and women in the Trust across all posts. This report will be based on data from a snapshot date of 31st March 2025.
The Gender Pay Gap is a high level, non-adjusted indicator of male and female earnings which is affected by workforce distribution and composition.
As a Trust we follow the national pay and conditions arrangements for teaching staff, following the STPCD and applying the ‘Burgundy Book’ terms and conditions. For support staff the ‘Green Book’ terms and conditions apply and the Trust applies the NJC national pay scales against job roles and descriptions approved through recognised job evaluation schemes. The Trust has a Trade Union Recognition Agreement in place with all the major teaching and support staff trade unions, who are consulted in all pay policy matters through regular formal committee meetings.
The first report will be available in summer 2025.